Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Replacement part for Solis 5000

So we have this great Solis Master 5000 super automatic espresso machine. The plastic steamer thingy took it's own life via the disposal recently. Called Solis service http://www.soliscoffee.com/ which is actually Empire Fulfillment http://www.empirefulfillment.com/ and they said the Gaggia Pannarello Wand is the one that fits. Went to http://www.wholelattelove.com and ordered same. A bit complicated, but the 'net still came through...

Followup. The part came in and i'm disappointed. It "fits" i guess, but extends too far down. The original went all the way up to the knurled region and did not extend much beyond the end of the wand. The replacement is pretty much useless as fitting anything under it is impossible. Not a huge deal as i can simply use the steam wand by itself, but nonetheless...

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