I work with a machine that has an 8-port serial board in it. For Linux to see all the ports, I had to do two things.
- Add '8250.nr_uarts=12' to the kernal boot line in /boot/grub/menu.lst
- Turn off ACPI. That entailed '/sbin/chkconfig acpid off; reboot'
The result of an /sbin/lspci showing the specific board:
07:04.0 Serial controller: Oxford Semiconductor Ltd OX16PCI954 (Quad 16950 UART) function 0 (Uart)
07:04.1 Bridge: Oxford Semiconductor Ltd OX16PCI954 (Quad 16950 UART) function 1 (8bit bus)
07:08.0 Serial controller: Oxford Semiconductor Ltd OX16PCI954 (Quad 16950 UART) function 0 (Uart)
07:08.1 Bridge: Oxford Semiconductor Ltd OX16PCI954 (Quad 16950 UART) function 1 (8bit bus)